“aws ses” Command Examples

The aws ses command is a part of the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and provides functionality to interact with AWS Simple Email Service (SES). AWS SES is a scalable cloud-based email service that allows you to send and receive email using your own applications or other AWS services.

Here’s an overview of the aws ses command and its functionality:

  • Sending Email: The primary purpose of the aws ses command is to send email. You can use this command to send email messages programmatically, specifying the sender’s email address, recipient addresses, subject, message content, and other optional parameters.
  • Managing Email Templates: AWS SES allows you to create and manage email templates that can be used for consistent email communication. The aws ses command provides options to create, update, and delete email templates, allowing you to easily manage the content and formatting of your email messages.
  • Managing Identities: In AWS SES, you need to verify the email addresses or domains you want to use as senders or recipients. The aws ses command allows you to manage email identities by verifying email addresses, domains, or even entire email sending regions.
  • Configuring Email Sending Options: AWS SES provides various configurations and options to enhance email delivery, such as configuring email feedback forwarding, setting up dedicated IP pools for improved deliverability, and managing suppression lists. The aws ses command enables you to configure these options programmatically.
  • Managing Receipt Rules: AWS SES supports inbound email processing through receipt rules. These rules allow you to specify actions to be taken when SES receives an email on your behalf. The aws ses command provides functionality to create, update, and delete receipt rules, enabling you to automate the processing of incoming emails.
  • Access Control: The aws ses command requires appropriate IAM permissions to interact with AWS SES. You can define IAM policies to control who can send emails, manage email templates, configure settings, and perform other operations related to AWS SES.

The aws ses command provides a convenient way to interact with AWS Simple Email Service from the command line. It allows you to send email messages programmatically, manage email templates, configure settings for email delivery, and automate the processing of incoming emails.

aws ses Command Examples

1. Create a new receipt rule set:

# aws ses create-receipt-rule-set --rule-set-name rule_set_name --generate-cli-skeleton

2. Describe the active receipt rule set:

# aws ses describe-active-receipt-rule-set --generate-cli-skeletion

3. Describe a specific receipt rule:

# aws ses describe-receipt-rule --rule-set-name rule_set_name --rule-name rule_name --generate-cli-skeleton

4. List all receipt rule sets:

# aws ses list-receipt-rule-sets --starting-token token_string --max-items integer --generate-cli-skeleton

5. Delete a specific receipt rule set (the currently active rule set cannot be deleted):

# aws ses delete-receipt-rule-set --rule-set-name rule_set_name --generate-cli-skeleton

6. Delete a specific receipt rule:

# aws ses delete-receipt-rule --rule-set-name rule_set_name --rule-name rule_name --generate-cli-skeleton

7. Send an email:

# aws ses send-email --from from_address --destination "ToAddresses=addresses" --message "Subject=Data=subject_text,Charset=utf8,Body=Text=Data=body_"

8. Show help for a specific SES subcommand:

# aws ses subcommand help
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