“aws sqs” Command Examples

The aws sqs command is a part of the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and provides functionality to interact with the Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS). Amazon SQS is a fully managed message queuing service that enables you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications.

Here’s an overview of the aws sqs command and its functionality:

  • Creating Queues: The aws sqs command allows you to create queues in SQS. You can specify the queue name, configuration options, and attributes during the queue creation process.
  • Deleting Queues: With the aws sqs command, you can delete queues from SQS. This permanently removes the queue and any messages it contains. Be cautious when deleting queues, as the action cannot be undone.
  • Sending Messages: The aws sqs command provides the ability to send messages to SQS queues. You can specify the target queue, message content, and optional message attributes. Messages are stored in the queue and can be retrieved by consumers for processing.
  • Receiving Messages: SQS allows you to retrieve messages from queues to process them. While the aws sqs command does not explicitly provide a receive message operation, you can use other AWS SDKs or programming languages to fetch messages from queues programmatically.
  • Managing Queue Attributes: SQS queues have various attributes that control their behavior, such as visibility timeout, message retention period, or maximum message size. The aws sqs command allows you to get, set, or modify these attributes to configure the desired queue behavior.
  • Access Control: The aws sqs command requires appropriate IAM permissions to perform operations on SQS queues. You can define IAM policies to control who can create queues, send messages, or manage queue attributes.

The aws sqs command provides a convenient way to interact with Amazon SQS from the command line. It allows you to create queues, delete queues, send messages to queues, and manage queue attributes.

Please note that while the aws sqs command provides some functionality related to SQS, it may not encompass all the operations and features of SQS. For more detailed and comprehensive control over SQS, it is recommended to use AWS SDKs or programming languages directly.

aws sqs Command Examples

1. List all availables queues:

# aws sqs list-queues

2. Display the URL of a specific queue:

# aws sqs get-queue-url --queue-name queue_name

3. Create a queue with specific attributes from a file in JSON format:

# aws sqs create-queue --queue-name queue_name --attributes file://path/to/attributes_file.json

4. Send a specific message to a queue:

# aws sqs send-message --queue-url https://sqs.region.amazonaws.com/queue_name --message-body "message_body" --delay-seconds delay --message-attributes file://path/to/attributes_file.json

5. Delete the specified message from a queue:

# aws sqs delete-message --queue-url https://queue_url --receipt-handle receipt_handle

6. Delete a specific queue:

# aws sqs delete-queue --queue-url https://sqs.region.amazonaws.com/queue_name

7. Delete all messages from the specified queue:

# aws sqs purge-queue --queue-url https://sqs.region.amazonaws.com/queue_name

8. Enable a specific AWS account to send messages to queue:

# aws sqs add-permission --queue-url https://sqs.region.amazonaws.com/queue_name --label permission_name --aws-account-ids account_id --actions SendMessage
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