ansible-inventory – Display or dump an Ansible inventory (Command Examples)

“ansible-inventory” is a powerful command-line tool provided by Ansible that allows users to display or dump information about their Ansible inventory. The inventory is a critical component in Ansible that defines the hosts and groups of hosts on which automation tasks are executed.

Here are the key features and functionalities of ansible-inventory:

  • Inventory Display: ansible-inventory provides a convenient way to view the contents of an Ansible inventory. It displays information about hosts, groups, variables, and other inventory-related details. Users can easily examine the structure and configuration of their inventory, aiding in troubleshooting and understanding the automation environment.
  • Host Information: With ansible-inventory, users can retrieve specific details about individual hosts defined in the inventory. This includes host variables, connection details, group membership, and any other attributes associated with the hosts. It allows users to gather critical information about hosts required for developing targeted automation tasks.
  • Group Information: ansible-inventory enables users to extract information about groups defined in the inventory. Users can retrieve group variables, member hosts, and other relevant details. This feature helps in understanding group hierarchies, identifying common attributes shared by hosts, and designing automation tasks that target specific groups.
  • Dynamic Inventory: Ansible supports dynamic inventories that are generated on-the-fly based on external sources such as cloud providers, configuration management systems, or custom scripts. ansible-inventory can display the dynamic inventory details, allowing users to inspect the dynamically generated hosts and groups before executing automation tasks.
  • Output Formats: ansible-inventory provides flexibility in displaying inventory information by offering multiple output formats. Users can choose from options like JSON, YAML, INI, and more, based on their preference and requirements. This feature facilitates easy parsing of inventory data for integration with other tools and enables users to customize the output as needed.
  • Inventory Dump: In addition to displaying inventory information, ansible-inventory can also generate a complete inventory dump. The dump provides a comprehensive view of the inventory, including host and group details, variables, and any other metadata associated with the inventory. This functionality is useful for backing up inventory configurations or sharing inventory information with other team members.
  • Integration with Other Ansible Tools: ansible-inventory seamlessly integrates with other Ansible tools and modules. It can be used in conjunction with playbooks, ad-hoc commands, and configuration management tasks, allowing users to leverage inventory details in their automation workflows effectively.

ansible-inventory simplifies the management and understanding of Ansible inventories by providing a comprehensive view of hosts, groups, and associated information. It offers flexibility in displaying inventory data, supports dynamic inventories, and facilitates integration with other Ansible components. By utilizing ansible-inventory, users can gain valuable insights into their automation environment, troubleshoot effectively, and develop targeted automation tasks based on inventory details.

ansible-inventory Command Examples

1. Display the default inventory:

# ansible-inventory --list

2. Display a custom inventory:

# ansbile-inventory --list --inventory /path/to/file_or_script_or_directory

3. Display the default inventory in YAML:

# ansible-inventory --list --yaml

4. Dump the default inventory to a file:

# ansible-inventory --list --output /path/to/file
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