ansible-playbook – Execute tasks defined in playbook on remote machines over SSH

“ansible-playbook” is a versatile command-line tool provided by Ansible that allows users to execute tasks defined in a playbook on remote machines over SSH. Playbooks are Ansible’s configuration, deployment, and orchestration language, written in YAML format.

Here are the key features and functionalities of ansible-playbook:

  • Task Execution: ansible-playbook enables users to define a set of tasks in a playbook and execute them on remote machines. Tasks can include a wide range of operations, such as package installation, file management, service configuration, and more. ansible-playbook handles the task execution process, ensuring consistent and reliable automation across multiple hosts.
  • Playbook Structure: Playbooks in Ansible are structured in a hierarchical manner, allowing users to define multiple plays, each containing a set of tasks. ansible-playbook follows this structure, executing the tasks in the specified order. Users can organize their automation logic into separate plays to handle different groups of hosts or different stages of a deployment process.
  • Host Targeting: ansible-playbook enables users to target specific hosts or groups of hosts for task execution. By defining inventory groups or using patterns, users can control which hosts receive the tasks defined in the playbook. This flexibility allows for fine-grained control over automation, enabling targeted deployments and configurations.
  • Idempotent Execution: Ansible promotes idempotent execution, meaning that tasks are designed to be safely re-run multiple times without causing unintended changes. ansible-playbook ensures idempotent execution by executing tasks only if necessary, based on the desired state defined in the playbook. This minimizes the risk of unintended modifications on the target systems.
  • Task Handler Integration: ansible-playbook supports the integration of task handlers, which are triggered when specific conditions are met. Task handlers allow users to define actions that respond to changes in the target system or specific events during playbook execution. This enables advanced automation scenarios and the implementation of reactive tasks.
  • Variables and Templating: ansible-playbook allows users to define variables and use templating techniques within playbooks. Variables can be used to customize task behavior, parameterize values, or define dynamic content. Templating enables users to generate configuration files or command snippets based on variable values or system-specific information.
  • Logging and Output: ansible-playbook provides comprehensive logging and output capabilities. Users can control the verbosity level of the output, allowing them to view detailed task execution information or limit the output to a concise summary. Logging ensures visibility into the execution process, facilitating troubleshooting and auditing of automation tasks.
  • Integration with Inventory and Roles: ansible-playbook seamlessly integrates with Ansible’s inventory system and role-based organization. It allows users to specify the inventory file to use, enabling dynamic targeting of hosts and groups. Moreover, ansible-playbook supports the use of roles, which are reusable units of automation logic, to enhance playbook organization and modularity.

ansible-playbook is a fundamental tool for executing automation tasks defined in playbooks. It provides a powerful and flexible mechanism for executing tasks on remote machines over SSH. With ansible-playbook, users can achieve consistent, repeatable, and efficient automation, enabling streamlined deployment, configuration management, and orchestration of systems and applications.

ansible-playbook Command Examples

1. Run tasks in playbook:

# ansible-playbook playbook

2. Run tasks in playbook with custom host inventory:

# ansible-playbook playbook -i inventory_file

3. Run tasks in playbook with extra variables defined via the command-line:

# ansible-playbook playbook -e "variable1=value1 variable2=value2"

4. Run tasks in playbook with extra variables defined in a JSON file:

# ansible-playbook playbook -e "@variables.json"

5. Run tasks in playbook for the given tags:

# ansible-playbook playbook --tags tag1,tag2

6. Run tasks in a playbook starting at a specific task:

# ansible-playbook playbook --start-at task_name
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