which: command not found

The which command displays the complete path of a specified command by searching the directories assigned to the PATH variable. For example, upon entering which cat, the following output is displayed: /bin/cat.

$ which cat

The which command can therefore help you locate where a program has been installed in case you need to modify this. It can also help you identify which version of a command you’re using if there are multiple binaries of the command stored in different locations, one of which may be more ideal. By identifying where a command is running from, you can troubleshoot unexpected behavior from that command.


The syntax of the which command is:

$ which [options] {program names}

If you encounter below error while running the which command:

which: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

Distribution Command
OS X brew install debianutils
Debian apt-get install debianutils
Ubuntu apt-get install npm
Alpine apk add which
Arch Linux pacman -S which
Kali Linux apt-get install debianutils
CentOS yum install which
Fedora dnf install which
Raspbian apt-get install debianutils

which Command Examples

1. Search the PATH environment variable and display the location of any matching executables:

$ which executable

2. If there are multiple executables which match, display all:

$ which -a executable

Final Thoughts

The which command locates an executable file in your shell’s search path. You can even find the which program itself:

$ which which

If several programs in your search path have the same name (for example, /usr/bin/who and /usr/local/bin/who), which reports only the first.

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