viewnior: command not found

viewnior is a simple and elegant image viewer for Linux systems. It is designed to be lightweight and easy to use, while still providing a good range of features for viewing and managing images.

With viewnior, you can open and view a wide variety of image formats, including JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF, and SVG. The interface is clean and uncluttered, with a minimal set of controls that are easy to understand and use.

Some of the key features of viewnior include:

  • Simple and intuitive interface: The interface of viewnior is clean and uncluttered, making it easy to view and manage images without any distractions.
  • Support for multiple image formats: viewnior supports a wide range of image formats, including JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF, and SVG.
  • Basic image editing features: viewnior provides basic image editing features such as rotating and flipping images, resizing images, and adjusting the brightness and contrast.
  • Full-screen mode: You can view images in full-screen mode, which maximizes the viewing area and removes all distractions.
  • Slideshow mode: viewnior has a slideshow mode, which automatically displays images in a sequence with customizable transitions.
  • Thumbnail view: You can view images as thumbnails, which makes it easy to find and select the images you want to view.
  • Keyboard shortcuts: viewnior supports a range of keyboard shortcuts, which makes it easy to navigate and manage images without using the mouse.

If you encounter the below error while running the command viewnior:

viewnior: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

Distribution Command
Debian apt-get install viewnior
Ubuntu apt-get install viewnior
Arch Linux pacman -S viewnior
Kali Linux apt-get install viewnior
Fedora dnf install viewnior
Raspbian apt-get install viewnior

viewnior Command Examples

1. View an image:

# viewnior path/to/image.ext

2. View in fullscreen mode:

# viewnior --fullscreen path/to/image.ext

3. View fullscreen in slideshow mode:

# viewnior --slideshow path/to/image.ext


viewnior is a lightweight and easy-to-use image viewer that is perfect for users who want a simple and elegant way to view and manage images. It is available on most Linux distributions and can be installed from the official repositories. You can find more information on viewnior and its features in the online documentation or man pages.

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