uuidgen Command Examples in Linux

uuidgen is a command-line utility in Unix and Unix-like operating systems that is used to generate unique identifiers known as UUIDs. These identifiers are used in various applications, such as databases, distributed systems, and network protocols, to provide a reliable way to identify unique objects or entities.

UUIDs generated by uuidgen conform to the standard format specified in RFC 4122, which defines a UUID as a 128-bit number represented by a sequence of hexadecimal digits, usually separated by hyphens into five groups of varying lengths. The format includes a time-based component that ensures that UUIDs generated at different times are different, as well as a random component that makes it extremely unlikely for two UUIDs generated at the same time to be the same.

The uuidgen command is typically used in scripting or programming contexts where a unique identifier is required. By default, the command generates a new UUID and prints it to standard output. The command also supports several options that allow the user to control the format of the generated UUID, specify a different version of the UUID specification, or use a different random number generator.

One of the advantages of using uuidgen to generate UUIDs is that it is a simple and lightweight tool that requires no additional libraries or dependencies. This makes it easy to use in a wide variety of applications and environments.

uuidgen Command Examples

1. Create a random UUIDv4:

# uuidgen --random

2. Create a UUIDv1 based on the current time:

# uuidgen --time

3. Create a UUIDv5 of the name with a specified namespace prefix:

# uuidgen --sha1 --namespace @dns|@url|@oid|@x500 --name object_name


Overall, uuidgen is a useful tool for generating unique identifiers in Unix and Unix-like systems. Its simplicity and compatibility with the standard UUID format make it a popular choice for developers and system administrators who need to generate UUIDs for various applications.

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