uname Command Examples in Linux

The uname command is a command-line utility that is commonly used in Unix and Linux systems to retrieve and display information about the current system. When the uname command is run, it prints various system-related information, including the system name, network node hostname, operating system release, operating system version, and the hardware identifier.

The uname command is useful for system administrators and power users who need to retrieve information about the system they are working on. For example, the uname command can be used to check the operating system version, which can be useful when installing software that has specific system requirements. It can also be used to check the hardware identifier, which can be helpful when working with hardware-specific software.

uname Command Examples

1. Print kernel name:

# uname

2. Print system architecture and processor information:

# uname --machine --processor

3. Print kernel name, kernel release and kernel version:

# uname --kernel-name --kernel-release --kernel-version

4. Print system hostname:

# uname --nodename

5. Print all available system information:

# uname --all


In summary, the uname command is a simple yet powerful command-line utility that is used to retrieve and display information about the system. By using various options with the uname command, users can retrieve specific system-related information, making it a useful tool for system administrators and power users.

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