udevadm: command not found

The udevadm command is used to manage udev. It takes various subcommands, each of which performs a certain task to modify the behavior of the systemd-udevd daemon and related components. Some of these subcommands are described in the following table.

Subcommand Used To
info Retrieve device information stored in the udev database, as well as detailed device attributes from the /sys/ filesystem. For example, you can view a device’s vendor ID, product ID, serial number, and much more.
control Modify the running state of udev. For example, providing the –reload-rules option will ensure that udev is reading from any new rules files you’ve added.
trigger Execute rules that apply to any device that is currently plugged in. You can also specify an action using the -c option, such as add, remove, or change. As the names imply, these will trigger events where a device is added, removed, or changed in the running kernel.
monitor Watch for events sent by the kernel or by a udev rule.
test Simulate a udev event running for a device, with results on output.


The syntax of the udevadm command is:

# udevadm [options] [subcommand] [arguments]

If you encounter the below error while running the udevadm command:

udevadm: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

OS Distribution Command
Debian apt-get install udev
Ubuntu apt-get install udev
Alpine apk add udev
Arch Linux pacman -S systemd
Kali Linux apt-get install udev
CentOS yum install udev
Fedora dnf install systemd-udev
Raspbian apt-get install udev

udevadm Command Examples

1. Monitor all device events:

# udevadm monitor

2. Print `uevents` sent out by the kernel:

# udevadm monitor --kernel

3. Print device events after being processed by `udev`:

# udevadm monitor --udev

4. List attributes of a device:

# udevadm info --attribute-walk --path /dev/sda1

5. Reload all `udev` rules:

# udevadm control --reload-rules

6. Trigger all `udev` rules to run:

# udevadm trigger
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