stress Command Examples in Linux

The stress tool is a command-line utility available on Linux systems that allows users to put a workload on their system’s CPU, memory, and IO resources. This tool is typically used for testing the stability and performance of a system or to simulate heavy loads for benchmarking purposes.

When running stress, users can specify various parameters to control the type and intensity of the workload they want to generate. For example, users can specify the number of CPU cores to use, the amount of memory to consume, and the amount of IO operations to perform.

Some common use cases of stress include:

  • Stress testing: stress can be used to check the stability of a system by putting it under heavy load for an extended period of time. This is particularly useful for system administrators or developers who need to ensure that a system can handle high loads without crashing or slowing down.
  • Performance testing: stress can also be used to benchmark the performance of a system by generating a specific workload and measuring the system’s response time and throughput.
  • Resource allocation testing: stress can help users test how their system handles resource allocation. For example, users can use stress to simulate a scenario where multiple applications are running simultaneously and competing for resources such as CPU and memory.

stress Command Examples

1. Spawn 4 workers to stress test CPU:

# stress -c 4

2. Spawn 2 workers to stress test IO and timeout after 5 seconds:

# stress -i 2 -t 5

3. Spawn 2 workers to stress test memory (each worker allocates 256M bytes):

# stress -m 2 --vm-bytes 256M

4. Spawn 2 workers spinning on write()/unlink() (each worker writes 1G bytes):

# stress -d 2 --hdd-bytes 1GB


Overall, stress is a powerful tool that can help users gain a better understanding of their system’s performance and stability. However, it’s important to note that running stress can cause high system resource usage and may impact other applications running on the same system. Therefore, users should be cautious when using stress and ensure that they have the necessary permissions and resources to run the tool safely.

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