slop Command Examples in Linux

slop is a simple utility that allows you to select an area of the screen and retrieve the coordinates and dimensions of the selected area. It is commonly used as a helper application for other programs, such as window managers or screenshot tools, that require user input to select a portion of the screen.

slop works by creating a transparent overlay window on top of the screen, which allows the user to select an area by clicking and dragging the mouse cursor. Once the selection is complete, slop outputs the coordinates and dimensions of the selected area in a specified format, such as X11 geometry format or JSON format. This information can then be used by other programs to perform actions based on the selected area.

slop supports several options and customizations, such as changing the color or opacity of the overlay window, specifying the output format, or setting a delay before the selection begins. It can also be used to select areas in specific windows or monitors, rather than the entire screen.

slop Command Examples

1. Wait for the user to make a selection and output its geometry to standard output:

# slop

2. Double click, rather than click and drag, to draw a selection:

# slop -D

3. Highlight the selection rather than outlining it:

# slop -l

4. Specify the output format:

# slop -f format_string

5. Specify the selection rectangle’s color:

# slop -c red,green,blue,alpha


Overall, slop is a simple yet useful utility for selecting areas of the screen and retrieving their coordinates and dimensions. Its small size and customizable options make it a popular tool for use in other programs and scripts.

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