scriptreplay Command Examples in Linux

The scriptreplay command is a utility that allows you to replay a previously recorded typescript file created by the script command. The script command is used to record a shell session, including all the commands that are typed, the output of those commands, and any errors that occur during the session. The resulting typescript file is essentially a transcript of the entire session.

scriptreplay takes the typescript file as input and replays the session by reproducing the input and output of the original session on the standard output. This can be useful for a number of reasons, such as:

  • Reviewing a session that was recorded at an earlier time
  • Debugging a session that experienced errors or unexpected behavior
  • Sharing a session with someone who was not present during the original session

scriptreplay has a number of options that allow you to control the speed of the replay, adjust the timing of the output, and add delays between commands. You can also specify a different output file, rather than sending the output to the standard output.

Some common examples of using the scriptreplay command might include:

  • Replaying a session that you recorded earlier to see how a particular problem was solved
  • Sharing a session with colleagues to demonstrate a particular technique or workflow
  • Debugging a session that experienced errors or unexpected behavior by replaying it and examining the output in more detail.

For more information on using scriptreplay, you can refer to the manual page by typing man scriptreplay in your terminal, or by visiting the website linked in the original question.

scriptreplay Command Examples

1. Replay a typescript at the speed it was recorded:

# scriptreplay path/to/timing_file path/to/typescript

2. Replay a typescript at double the original speed:

# scriptreplay path/to/timingfile path/to/typescript 2

3. Replay a typescript at half the original speed:

# scriptreplay path/to/timingfile path/to/typescript 0.5
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