rpmspec Command Examples in Linux

rpmspec is a command-line tool used to query the contents of an RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) spec file. RPM spec files are used to define the metadata and build instructions for an RPM package, including information such as the package name, version number, dependencies, and build instructions.

The rpmspec tool allows users to query the contents of a spec file to retrieve information such as the package name, version number, and release number. It can also be used to extract specific sections of the spec file, such as the build instructions or the package dependencies.

One of the key features of rpmspec is its ability to validate a spec file against the RPM specification. This ensures that the spec file is correctly formatted and includes all the necessary information to build a valid RPM package. Validation errors can be quickly identified and corrected, ensuring that the resulting RPM package is reliable and consistent.

rpmspec is commonly used by software developers, system administrators, and Linux distributors to query and validate RPM spec files. It provides a simple and powerful interface for working with spec files, allowing users to quickly retrieve information and identify errors.

rpmspec Command Examples

1. List binary packages which would be generated from a rpm spec file:

# rpmspec --query path/to/rpm.spec

2. List all options for `–queryformat`:

# rpmspec --querytags

3. Get summary information for single binary packages generated from a rpm spec file:

# rpmspec --query --queryformat "%{name}: %{summary}\n" path/to/rpm.spec

4. Get the source package which would be generated from a rpm spec file:

# rpmspec --query --srpm path/to/rpm.spec

5. Parse a rpm spec file to `stdout`:

# rpmspec --parse path/to/rpm.spec


In conclusion, rpmspec is a useful tool for querying and validating RPM spec files. Its ability to extract specific sections of the spec file and validate the file against the RPM specification makes it an essential tool for software developers, system administrators, and Linux distributors who need to work with RPM packages.

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