repquota: command not found

repquota is a command-line utility in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems that displays a summary of existing file quotas for a filesystem. This tool is primarily used to monitor disk usage and enforce disk quotas on file systems.

When a disk quota is enabled on a file system, the repquota command can be used to view the current usage statistics for individual users and groups, as well as the overall disk space usage. The output of the repquota command includes the following information:

  • The user or group ID
  • The username or group name
  • The used and available disk space
  • The soft and hard limits for each user or group
  • The number of inodes used and the number of inodes available

The soft limit is a warning threshold that is set to notify the user or group that they are approaching their quota limit, while the hard limit is the maximum allowed quota limit. Once the hard limit is reached, the user or group is not allowed to write any more data to the file system.

If you encounter the below error while running the command repquota:

repquota: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

Distribution Command
Debian apt-get install quota
Ubuntu apt-get install quota
Arch Linux pacman -S quota-tools
Kali Linux apt-get install quota
Fedora dnf install quota-1
Raspbian apt-get install quota

repquota Command Examples

1. Report stats for all quotas in use:

# sudo repquota -all

2. Report quota stats for all users, even those who aren’t using any of their quota:

# sudo repquota -v filesystem

3. Report on quotas for users only:

# repquota --user filesystem

4. Report on quotas for groups only:

# sudo repquota --group filesystem

5. Report on used quota and limits in a human-readable format:

# sudo repquota --human-readable filesystem

6. Report on all quotas for users and groups in a human-readable format:

# sudo repquota -augs


In addition to displaying the current quota usage, repquota can also be used to generate reports and graphs of disk usage over time. This can be useful for administrators to track trends in disk usage and plan for future storage needs.

Overall, repquota is a powerful tool for monitoring and enforcing disk quotas on file systems. By using this command, system administrators can ensure that disk space is allocated fairly and efficiently, and prevent users from overloading the system with unnecessary data.

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