rdesktop Command Examples in Linux

rdesktop is a command-line utility that can be used as a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client to remotely connect to a Windows desktop or server. It allows users to connect to a remote computer using RDP protocol, which enables the user to access the graphical interface of the remote computer as if they were sitting in front of it.

One of the key features of rdesktop is its ability to support a wide range of RDP clients, including the standard Microsoft Remote Desktop client, as well as several third-party RDP clients. This makes it a versatile tool for remote desktop access across a variety of platforms and devices.

To use rdesktop, you need to know the IP address or hostname of the remote computer you want to connect to, as well as a valid username and password. You can then use the rdesktop command with appropriate options and parameters to initiate the connection.

Some of the options that can be used with rdesktop include setting the resolution of the remote desktop, enabling or disabling various display and sound options, and specifying the port number for the RDP connection. rdesktop also supports a range of authentication and encryption options to ensure secure connections.

rdesktop Command Examples

1. Connect to a remote computer (default port is 3389):

# rdesktop -u username -p password host:port

2. Simple Examples:

# rdesktop -u Administrator -p passwd123

3. Connect to a remote computer with full screen (press `Ctrl + Alt + Enter` to exist):

# rdesktop -u username -p password -f host:port

4. Use the customed resolution (use the letter ‘x’ between the number):

# rdesktop -u username -p password -g 1366x768 host:port

5. Connect to a remote computer using domain user:

# rdesktop -u username -p password -d domainname host:port

6. Use the 16-bit color (speed up):

# rdesktop -u username -p password -a 16 host:port


In addition to the command-line utility, rdesktop also provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows users to configure and initiate RDP connections without having to use the command line.

Overall, rdesktop is a powerful and flexible tool for remote desktop access using the RDP protocol, and it can be a useful tool for system administrators, remote workers, and anyone else who needs to access a Windows computer from a remote location.

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