poweroff: command not found

The “poweroff” command is a Linux command that is used to power off the system. It is a simple and efficient way to shut down your computer or server.

When you execute the “poweroff” command, the system will initiate the shutdown process. This process involves terminating all running processes, unmounting all file systems, and syncing all data to disk to ensure that all changes are saved.

Once the shutdown process is complete, the system will power off, and you will see a message indicating that it is safe to turn off your computer. You can then safely turn off your computer or server by pressing the power button or unplugging it from the power source.

The “poweroff” command is typically used when you want to shut down the system immediately without going through the normal shutdown process. It is often used when you need to perform maintenance or upgrades on the system, or when you need to shut down the system quickly due to an emergency.

It is important to note that the “poweroff” command should be used with caution, as it can cause data loss if any unsaved changes are present. It is always recommended to save your work and close all applications before executing the “poweroff” command.

If you encounter the below error while running the command poweroff:

poweroff: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

Distribution Command
Debian apt-get install sysvinit
Ubuntu apt-get install upstart-sysv
Arch Linux pacman -S systemd-sysvcompat
Kali Linux apt-get install runit-init
CentOS yum install usermode
Fedora dnf install systemd
Raspbian apt-get install upstart

poweroff Command Examples

1. Power off the system:

# poweroff

2. Halt the system (same as `halt`):

# poweroff --halt

3. Reboot the system (same as `reboot`):

# poweroff --reboot

4. Shut down immediately without contacting the system manager:

# poweroff --force --force

5. Write the wtmp shutdown entry without shutting down the system:

# poweroff --wtmp-only


In summary, the “poweroff” command is a simple and efficient way to shut down your Linux system. It initiates the shutdown process and powers off the system once the process is complete. However, it should be used with caution to avoid data loss.

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