pngcheck: command not found

pngcheck is a command-line utility that is used for validating the integrity of Portable Network Graphics (PNG) files. PNG is a popular image format that is widely used on the internet and in digital media. PNG files are often used for web graphics, logos, icons, and other types of images.

When working with PNG files, it is important to ensure that they are valid and have not been corrupted or tampered with. pngcheck is a useful tool for this purpose because it can verify the integrity of a PNG file by performing various checks on its structure, data, and metadata.

pngcheck can detect a range of errors and issues that can affect the quality and usability of a PNG file, such as incorrect headers, missing or invalid chunks, inconsistent color profiles, and truncated or damaged data. It can also check for potential security vulnerabilities, such as embedded scripts or malicious code.

One of the key features of pngcheck is its ability to extract embedded images and text from a PNG file. This can be useful for forensic analysis or when dealing with complex or layered images that contain multiple elements. The extracted data can be saved in a separate file or printed to the standard output for further processing.

pngcheck supports a range of PNG-based image formats, including .png, .jng, and .mng. It can be used on a single file or a batch of files, making it a versatile tool for image processing and validation. Overall, pngcheck is a powerful and flexible tool that is essential for anyone working with PNG files.

If you encounter the below error while running the command pngcheck:

pngcheck: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

Distribution Command
Debian apt-get install pngcheck
Ubuntu apt-get install pngcheck
Kali Linux apt-get install pngcheck
OS X brew install pngcheck
Raspbian apt-get install pngcheck

pngcheck Command Examples

1. Print a summary for an image (width, height, and color depth):

# pngcheck image.png

2. Print information for an image with [c]olorized output:

# pngcheck -c image.png

3. Print [v]erbose information for an image:

# pngcheck -cvt image.png

4. Receive an image from stdin and display detailed information:

# cat path/to/image.png | pngcheck -cvt

5. [s]earch for PNGs within a specific file and display information about them:

# pngcheck -s image.png

6. Search for PNGs within another file and e[x]tract them:

# pngcheck -x image.png
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