pacaur Command Examples in Linux

pacaur is a package management utility for Arch Linux, a popular open-source Linux distribution. It is designed to build and install packages from the Arch User Repository (AUR), which is a community-driven repository of Arch Linux packages that are not officially supported by the Arch Linux distribution.

pacaur is a wrapper around the popular Arch Linux package manager, pacman, which provides advanced features for building and installing AUR packages. With pacaur, users can easily search for, build, and install AUR packages, as well as manage their dependencies and perform system upgrades.

pacaur provides a simple and easy-to-use command-line interface for building and installing AUR packages. It supports a variety of options for managing packages, including searching, building, installing, and removing packages. pacaur also provides detailed information about installed packages, including version numbers, dependencies, and package sizes.

pacaur is an essential tool for Arch Linux users who want to install packages from the AUR. By using pacaur, users can easily access the large repository of AUR packages, ensuring that their Arch Linux systems have the packages they need for their specific use cases. With pacaur, users can benefit from the vast repository of Arch Linux packages, while also enjoying the convenience and ease of use of a powerful package management utility.

1. Synchronize and update all packages (includes AUR):

# pacaur -Syu

2. Synchronize and update only AUR packages:

# pacaur -Syua

3. Install a new package (includes AUR):

# pacaur -S package_name

4. Remove a package and its dependencies (includes AUR packages):

# pacaur -Rs package_name

5. Search the package database for a keyword (includes AUR):

# pacaur -Ss keyword

6. List all currently installed packages (includes AUR packages):

# pacaur -Qs
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