“ntpq -pn” command returns with error “Name or service not known”

The Problem

Executing the command “ntpq -pn” returns with the error:

# ntpq -p
Name or service not known

In some cases, you may also encounter an error shown below:

# ntpq -pn
Servname not supported for ai_socktype

The Solution

The “Name or service not known” error will be seen if the system cannot resolve “localhost” for the ntpq command. Make sure we have pointer to “ localhost” in /etc/hosts file.

1. Fix the /etc/hosts file to map to localhost, i.e., there must be a line in /etc/hosts that begins with “” and contains “localhost”.

Note that it is perfectly fine if this line contains additional host aliases in addition to localhost. Example:

# vi /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain myserver myserver.mydomain
Note that there are countless other programs that will also error-out or behave erratically if the –> localhost mapping is removed from /etc/hosts.

That said, in RHEL6, the name “localhost” maps to both and the IPv6 loopback ::1, so while removing the line in RHEL6 would be a bad idea, it would likely not cause ntpq to fail.

2. Also make sure we have pointer to ntp in /etc/services file.

# vi /etc/services
ntp             123/tcp
ntp             123/udp                         # Network Time Protocol
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