nsxiv Command Examples

nsxiv is a simple image viewer for X Window System, also known as X11, which is the primary graphical display system for many Unix-based operating systems. nsxiv is written in C and uses the Xlib library for display and input management.

nsxiv is designed to be a fast, lightweight, and easy-to-use image viewer that can be run from the terminal. It supports common image formats, including JPEG, PNG, GIF, and others, and provides basic image viewing and navigation features, such as zooming and panning.

nsxiv is particularly useful for users who prefer to use the terminal for their day-to-day tasks, or for those who are looking for a fast and simple image viewer that can be easily installed and used on X11-based systems.

nsxiv Command Examples

1. Open images:

# nsxiv {{path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ...}}

2. Open images from directories in image mode:

# nsxiv {{path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2 ...}}

3. Search directories recursively for images to view:

# nsxiv -r {{path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2 ...}}

4. Quit nsxiv:

# q

5. Switch to thumbnail mode or open selected image in image mode:

# Return

6. Count images forward in image mode:

# n

7. Count images backward in image mode:

# p


It’s important to note that nsxiv is a relatively simple image viewer, and may not have as many features or as much functionality as more feature-rich image viewers. However, its simplicity and lightweight design make it an attractive option for users who value speed and efficiency.

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