nixos-rebuild Command Examples in Linux

“nixos-rebuild” is a command-line tool for reconfiguring a NixOS machine. NixOS is a Linux distribution that uses the Nix package manager, and “nixos-rebuild” allows users to make changes to the configuration of their NixOS system.

The tool provides a simple and convenient way to update and modify the configuration of a NixOS machine, and it allows users to make changes to system services, networking, security, and other settings. The tool also provides support for rolling back to previous configurations if necessary.

“nixos-rebuild” is an essential tool for NixOS users, and it provides a convenient and reliable way to manage the configuration of their system. The tool allows users to easily make changes to their system, and it provides a simple and intuitive interface for updating the configuration.

nixos-rebuild Command Examples

1. Build and switch to the new configuration, making it the boot default:

# nixos-rebuild switch

2. Build and switch to the new configuration, making it the boot default and naming the boot entry:

# nixos-rebuild switch -p {{name}}

3. Build and switch to the new configuration, making it the boot default and installing updates:

# nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade

4. Rollback changes to the configuration, switching to the previous generation:

# nixos-rebuild switch --rollback

5. Build the new configuration and make it the boot default without switching to it:

# nixos-rebuild boot

6. Build and activate the new configuration, but don’t make a boot entry (for testing purposes):

# nixos-rebuild test

7. Build the configuration and open it in a virtual machine:

# nixos-rebuild build-vm


In summary, “nixos-rebuild” is a tool for reconfiguring a NixOS machine. It provides a simple and convenient way to update and modify the configuration of a NixOS system, and it allows users to make changes to system services, networking, security, and other settings. The tool is an essential resource for NixOS users, and it provides a reliable and convenient way to manage the configuration of their system.

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