namcap Command Examples in Linux

Namcap is a tool for checking binary packages and source PKGBUILDs in Arch Linux for common packaging mistakes. It is designed to help package maintainers ensure that their packages are properly constructed and comply with Arch Linux packaging guidelines.

Some of the key features of Namcap include:

  • Package analysis: Namcap scans binary packages and PKGBUILDs, and identifies potential problems with the package structure, dependencies, and other aspects of the package.
  • Detailed report: Namcap generates a detailed report of its findings, including a description of each problem, its severity, and suggestions for how to fix it.
  • Automated checks: Namcap performs a wide range of automated checks, including checks for missing dependencies, redundant dependencies, incorrect file permissions, and other common packaging mistakes.
  • Custom checks: Namcap supports custom checks, so package maintainers can write their own checks to enforce specific requirements for their packages.

Namcap is an important tool for Arch Linux package maintainers, as it helps to ensure that packages are properly constructed and conform to Arch Linux packaging guidelines. It is also useful for users who want to check the quality of packages before installing them, as it can help to identify potential problems with the package. Namcap is a command-line tool and is available in the official Arch Linux repository.

namcap Command Examples

1. Check a specific `PKGBUILD` file:

# namcap path/to/pkgbuild

2. Check a specific package file:

# namcap path/to/package.pkg.tar.zst

3. Check a file, printing extra [i]nformational messages:

# namcap -i path/to/file
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