mumble: command not found

Mumble is a free, open-source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software designed for gamers. It uses a client-server architecture to allow multiple users to participate in voice chats, and provides a number of features aimed at improving the voice chat experience for gamers.

Some of the key features of Mumble include:

  • Low latency audio transmission, which helps to reduce the delay between speaking and hearing others in the chat
  • High quality audio, with support for multiple codecs and automatic adjustment of audio settings for best performance
  • Server-side user authentication and access control, to ensure that only authorized users can participate in a chat
  • In-game overlay, which displays the chat participants and their speaking status directly on top of the game screen
  • Cross-platform support, with client software available for Windows, MacOS, and Linux

Mumble is designed to be used by gamers, but it can also be used for other types of voice chat, such as online meetings or podcasting. The software is highly configurable, with a number of settings that can be adjusted to suit the needs of the user.

If you encounter the below error while running the command mumble:

mumble: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

Distribution Command
Debian apt-get install mumble
Ubuntu apt-get install mumble
Alpine apk add mumble
Arch Linux pacman -S mumble
Kali Linux apt-get install mumble
Fedora dnf install mumble
Raspbian apt-get install mumble

mumble Command Examples

1. Open Mumble:

# mumble

2. Open Mumble and immediately connect to a server:

# mumble mumble://

3. Open Mumble and immediately connect to a password protected server:

# mumble mumble://

4. Mute/unmute the microphone in a running Mumble instance:

# mumble rpc mute|unmute

5. Mute/unmute the microphone and the audio output of Mumble:

# mumble rpc deaf|undeaf
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