miniserve Command Examples

Miniserve is a straightforward command-line tool designed to function as a minimalistic HTTP file server. It provides users with an easy and efficient way to share files and directories over a local network or the internet.

Here are some key features and aspects of Miniserve:

  • HTTP File Server: Miniserve allows users to quickly and easily serve files and directories over HTTP. This means that users can access their files using any web browser or HTTP client, making it simple to share files with others or access them from different devices.
  • Simple Command-Line Interface: Miniserve features a simple and intuitive command-line interface (CLI) that allows users to start the file server with minimal configuration. Users can specify the directory they want to serve, as well as optional parameters such as port number and access control settings.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Miniserve is designed to be compatible with various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. This ensures that users can run Miniserve on their preferred platform without encountering compatibility issues.
  • Single Binary Distribution: Miniserve is distributed as a single binary executable, making it easy to install and use without requiring additional dependencies or complex installation procedures. Users can download the binary for their operating system from the Miniserve GitHub repository and start using it immediately.
  • Customizable Configuration: While Miniserve aims to be simple and lightweight, it still offers some degree of customization. Users can specify options such as port number, IP address binding, access control rules, and custom index files to tailor the behavior of the file server to their specific needs.
  • Security Features: Miniserve includes basic security features to help protect files and directories served by the server. Users can configure access control settings to restrict access to certain IP addresses or require authentication for accessing the server.
  • Open Source: Miniserve is an open-source project hosted on GitHub under the MIT License. This means that its source code is freely available for inspection, modification, and redistribution by anyone. Users can contribute to the development of Miniserve or customize it to suit their needs.

miniserve Command Examples

1. Serve a directory:

# miniserve [path/to/directory]

2. Serve a single file:

# miniserve [path/to/file]

3. Serve a directory using HTTP basic authentication:

# miniserve --auth [username]:[password] [path/to/directory]


Overall, Miniserve provides a lightweight and efficient solution for serving files and directories over HTTP. Its simplicity, cross-platform compatibility, and customizable configuration options make it a convenient tool for sharing files and collaborating with others over a network. Whether you need to quickly share a file with a colleague or set up a simple file sharing solution for your team, Miniserve offers a straightforward and hassle-free solution.

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