minicom Command Examples in Linux

Minicom is a free, open-source terminal emulator program that runs on Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. It is used for communicating with serial devices such as modems, routers, and embedded systems over a serial connection. Minicom provides a text-based interface for sending and receiving data, and supports features such as terminal emulation, scripting, and file transfers. The program can be run from the command line and provides a user-friendly interface for configuring the serial port and setting options such as baud rate, flow control, and parity. Minicom is commonly used for debugging and testing serial connections and for managing devices that use serial connections for communication.

minicom Command Examples

1. Open a given serial port:

# sudo minicom --device /dev/ttyUSB0

2. Open a given serial port with a given baud rate:

# sudo minicom --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --baudrate 115200

3. Enter the configuration menu before communicating with a given serial port:

# sudo minicom --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --setup
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