minetestserver Command Examples

Minetestserver is the server component of the Minetest multiplayer infinite-world block sandbox game. Unlike the Minetest client, which provides the graphical interface for players to interact with the game world, Minetestserver is a command-line-based application that is responsible for hosting and managing multiplayer game sessions.

Key features and aspects of Minetestserver include:

  • Multiplayer Gameplay: Minetestserver enables multiplayer gameplay by hosting game sessions that multiple players can join simultaneously. Players connect to the server using the Minetest client application, allowing them to interact and collaborate with each other in the same game world.
  • Infinite World: Similar to the Minetest client, Minetestserver generates an infinite procedurally-generated world composed of blocks. This world offers virtually limitless opportunities for exploration, building, and interaction, providing an immersive and dynamic gameplay experience for players.
  • Block-based Environment: Minetestserver implements a block-based environment, where players can gather resources, build structures, and shape the landscape using various types of blocks. The block-based building system allows for creativity and customization, empowering players to create unique and intricate constructions within the game world.
  • Customizable Settings: Minetestserver allows server administrators to customize various aspects of the gameplay experience, including world generation parameters, game rules, player permissions, and mod configurations. This flexibility enables server owners to tailor the gameplay to their preferences and create unique gaming environments for their players.
  • Modding Support: Similar to the Minetest client, Minetestserver supports modding through a powerful modding API. Server administrators can install and configure mods to introduce new features, gameplay mechanics, blocks, items, and more to their game servers. Modding support enhances the replayability and longevity of game servers by providing new content and gameplay experiences for players.
  • Cross-platform Compatibility: Minetestserver is compatible with multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, allowing server administrators to host game servers on a variety of platforms. This ensures accessibility and availability for players regardless of their preferred operating system.
  • Community Resources: Minetestserver benefits from a dedicated community of server administrators, modders, and players who contribute to the ongoing development and maintenance of game servers. Community resources such as forums, wikis, and online communities provide support, documentation, and guidance for server administrators seeking to set up and manage their own Minetest servers.

minetestserver Command Examples

1. Start the server:

# minetestserver

2. List available worlds:

# minetestserver --world list

3. Specify the world name to load:

# minetestserver --world [world_name]

4. List the available game IDs:

# minetestserver --gameid list

5. Specify a game to use:

# minetestserver --gameid [game_id]

6. Listen on a specific port:

# minetestserver --port [34567]

7. Migrate to a different data backend:

# minetestserver --migrate [sqlite3|leveldb|redis]

8. Start an interactive terminal after starting the server:

# minetestserver --terminal


Overall, Minetestserver serves as the backbone for multiplayer gameplay in the Minetest ecosystem, enabling players to join together in shared game worlds, collaborate on building projects, and engage in interactive gameplay experiences. With its customizable settings, modding support, and cross-platform compatibility, Minetestserver offers a versatile platform for hosting immersive and engaging multiplayer game servers.

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