man Command Examples

The “man” command in Linux is a crucial tool for accessing documentation about various commands, functions, and system calls available on a Unix-like operating system. Here’s a more detailed explanation of its functionalities:

  • Accessing Manual Pages: The primary purpose of the “man” command is to display manual pages for commands and other system functions. These manual pages contain detailed information about the usage, options, syntax, and examples for each command. By using “man” followed by the name of a command or function, users can quickly access relevant documentation directly from the terminal.
  • Standardized Format: Manual pages are typically written in a standardized format that allows for easy navigation and understanding. They often consist of several sections, including NAME (a brief description of the command), SYNOPSIS (the command’s syntax), DESCRIPTION (detailed information about the command’s functionality), OPTIONS (available command-line options), EXAMPLES (illustrative usage examples), and SEE ALSO (related commands or resources).
  • Navigating Manual Pages: Once a manual page is displayed, users can navigate through it using various keyboard shortcuts. For example, pressing the space bar moves forward one page, while pressing the “b” key moves backward one page. Additionally, users can search for specific keywords within the manual page by typing “/” followed by the desired search term.
  • Multiple Sections: Manual pages are organized into different sections based on their content. Common sections include section 1 (user commands), section 2 (system calls), section 3 (library functions), section 4 (device drivers), and section 5 (file formats and conventions). The “man” command allows users to specify the desired section when searching for a manual page by providing the section number as an argument (e.g., “man 2 open” to display the manual page for the “open” system call).
  • Online Resources: In addition to local manual pages installed on the system, the “man” command can also display manual pages from online resources using the “–location” option followed by a URL. This feature enables users to access manual pages for commands and functions that may not be available locally or to retrieve updated documentation from external sources.

man Command Examples

1. Display the man page for a command:

# man [command]

2. Display the man page for a command from section 7:

# man [7] [command]

3. List all available sections for a command:

# man -f [command]

4. Display the path searched for manpages:

# man --path

5. Display the location of a manpage rather than the manpage itself:

# man -w [command]

6. Display the man page using a specific locale:

# man [command] --locale=[locale]

7. Search for manpages containing a search string:

# man -k "[search_string]"


Overall, the “man” command is an essential tool for Linux users and administrators, providing convenient access to comprehensive documentation that helps them understand and utilize the vast array of commands and functionalities available in a Unix-like environment.

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