make: command not found

In most cases, once the makefile is created, simply issuing make and then make file without arguments will install the application. This is because the make command automatically looks for the makefile in the current directory. You can, however, issue make with various options.

If you encounter the below error while running the make command:

make: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

OS Distribution Command
OS X brew install make
Debian apt-get install make
Ubuntu apt-get install make
Alpine apk add make
Arch Linux pacman -S make
Kali Linux apt-get install make
CentOS yum install make
Fedora dnf install make
Raspbian apt-get install make

make Command Examples

1. Call the first target specified in the Makefile (usually named “all”):

# make

2. Call a specific target:

# make target

3. Call a specific target, executing 4 jobs at a time in parallel:

# make -j4 target

4. Use a specific Makefile:

# make --file file

5. Execute make from another directory:

# make --directory directory

6. Force making of a target, even if source files are unchanged:

# make --always-make target

7. Override a variable defined in the Makefile:

# make target variable=new_value

8. Override variables defined in the Makefile by the environment:

# make --environment-overrides target
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