lsusb Command Examples in Linux

The lsusb command is used to display information about devices that are connected to the system’s USB buses. This command scans the /dev/bus/usb/ directory for information. By default, the command will print the number of the bus and the connected device, the ID of the device, and the name of the vendor and product matching that device.

You can use the -v flag to see detailed information about each device, similar to using the udevadm info command. You can also filter results by bus (-s) and by vendor/product (-d).


The syntax of the lsusb command is:

# lsusb [options]

Listing USB device information:

lsusb Command Examples

1. To list the USB devices:

# lsusb 

2. To be verbose:

# lsusb -v
# lsusb --verbose 

3. To Show only devices in specified bus and/or devnum:

# lsusb -s bus
# lsusb -s devnum 

4. To show only devices with the specified vendor and product ID:

# lsusb -d vendor
# lsusb -d product 

5. To not Do not scan the /dev/bus/usb directory, instead display only information about the device whose device file is given:

# lsusb -D device 

6. To Tells lsusb to dump the physical USB device hierarchy as a tree:

# lsusb -t 

7. To get the version:

# lsusb -V
# lsusb --version 
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