lshal Command Examples in Linux

The lshal command lists all devices the hardware abstraction layer (HAL) knows about, which should be most hardware on your system.

lshal Command OPtions

Option Description
-m, –monitor Print changes emitted by the hald daemon.
-s, –short Short output.
-t, –tree Display the devices organized in a tree.
-u, –show Show only the given UDI (Unique Device Identifier).
-h, –help Print out usage.
-V, –version Print the version.

lshal Command Examples

1. To list HAL devices:

# lshal 

2. To print changes emitted by the hald daemon:

# lshal -m
# lshal --monitor 

3. To get the short output:

# lshal -s
# lshal --short 

4. To display the devices organized in a tree:

# lshal -t
# lshal --tree 

5. To show only the given UDI:

# lshal -u
# lshal --show 

6. To print out usage:

# lshal -h
# lshal --help 

7. To print the version:

# lshal -V
# lshal --version 
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