lrztar Command Examples in Linux

lrztar is a wrapper script for the lrzip compression program, designed to make it easier to compress directories. The lrztar script automates the process of creating a tar archive of a directory, and then compressing the tar archive using lrzip. This allows the user to quickly and easily compress an entire directory and all of its contents into a single, highly compressed archive file. The resulting archive file can be decompressed using the standard tar and lrunzip tools. The lrztar script is particularly useful for large-scale data backup and archiving tasks, as it provides an easy way to efficiently compress entire directory trees into a single archive file. By using lrzip for the compression step, the resulting archive file is likely to be much smaller than would be obtained using other compression tools, which can save significant storage space and reduce the time required to transfer large datasets.

lrztar Command Examples

1. Archive a directory with `tar`, then compress:

# lrztar path/to/directory

2. Same as above, with ZPAQ – extreme compression, but very slow:

# lrztar -z path/to/directory

3. Specify the output file:

# lrztar -o path/to/file path/to/directory

4. Override the number of processor threads to use:

# lrztar -p 8 path/to/directory

5. Force overwriting of existing files:

# lrztar -f path/to/directory
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