lrunzip Command Examples in Linux

lrunzip is a large file decompression program designed to handle large files in a more efficient manner compared to other traditional file decompression tools. lrunzip operates on large archive files (e.g. .zip, .tar, .gz, etc.) and can decompress them in a parallel, chunk-by-chunk manner, rather than processing the entire archive as a single large file. This allows lrunzip to take advantage of multiple CPU cores and can lead to a significant speedup in decompression times for very large files. Additionally, lrunzip can also be used to decompress large archives in a streaming manner, which can be useful for systems with limited memory or for processing large files over a network. In summary, lrunzip is a powerful and efficient tool for decompressing large archive files and is well-suited for large-scale data processing tasks.

lrunzip Command Examples

1. Decompress a file:

# lrunzip filename.lrz

2. Decompress a file using a specific number of processor threads:

# lrunzip -p 8 filename.lrz

3. Decompress a file and silently overwrite files if they exist:

# lrunzip -f filename.lrz

4. Keep broken or damaged files instead of deleting them when decompressing:

# lrunzip -K filename.lrz

5. Specify output file name and/or path:

# lrunzip -o outfilename filename.lrz
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