loadtest Command Examples

loadtest is a command-line utility designed to perform load testing on HTTP or WebSocket URLs, allowing developers to assess the performance and scalability of web applications under various levels of traffic and stress. It is a valuable tool for identifying bottlenecks, measuring response times, and determining the maximum capacity of a web server or application.

Key features and functionalities of loadtest include:

  • Load Testing: loadtest simulates multiple concurrent users accessing a specified HTTP or WebSocket URL, generating a controlled amount of traffic to test the performance of the target server or application. By simulating realistic user behavior and traffic patterns, loadtest provides valuable insights into how the system behaves under load.
  • Concurrency Control: loadtest allows users to specify the number of concurrent connections or virtual users to simulate during the load test. This enables users to adjust the level of load and stress applied to the target server or application, helping them understand how the system performs under different levels of concurrency.
  • Request Customization: loadtest provides options for customizing HTTP requests sent during the load test, including headers, HTTP methods, payload data, and authentication credentials. This flexibility allows users to simulate a variety of scenarios and test different aspects of the target application’s functionality and performance.
  • Metrics and Reporting: loadtest collects various metrics during the load test, including response times, throughput, error rates, and concurrency levels. These metrics are aggregated and presented in a comprehensive report at the end of the test, allowing users to analyze the performance of the target system and identify any areas for improvement.
  • WebSocket Support: In addition to HTTP load testing, loadtest also supports load testing of WebSocket URLs. This enables users to assess the performance and scalability of real-time communication systems, such as chat applications, multiplayer games, and streaming services, under load.
  • Command-Line Interface (CLI): loadtest features a command-line interface that allows users to configure and run load tests from the terminal or command prompt. Users can specify test parameters, such as target URLs, concurrency levels, test duration, and output format, using command-line options and arguments.
  • Integration with Continuous Integration (CI) Systems: loadtest can be integrated into continuous integration (CI) pipelines and automated testing workflows, allowing developers to incorporate performance testing into their development process. This ensures that performance considerations are addressed early in the development lifecycle and prevents performance regressions from being introduced.
  • Open-Source and Extensible: loadtest is an open-source project hosted on GitHub, where users can access the source code, contribute to development, and report issues or suggestions. The project benefits from community contributions and feedback, ensuring ongoing development and improvement of the software.

loadtest Command Examples

1. Run with concurrent users and a specified amount of requests per second:

# loadtest --concurrency [10] --rps [200] [https://example.com]

2. Run with a custom HTTP header:

# loadtest --headers "[accept:text/plain;text-html]" [https://example.com]

3. Run with a specific HTTP method:

# loadtest --method [GET] [https://example.com]


In summary, loadtest is a powerful and versatile tool for conducting load testing on HTTP and WebSocket URLs, providing developers with valuable insights into the performance and scalability of web applications and real-time communication systems. With its features for concurrency control, request customization, metrics and reporting, WebSocket support, command-line interface, integration with CI systems, and open-source nature, loadtest is an essential tool for ensuring the reliability and efficiency of web applications in production environments.

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