llvm-config Command Examples

llvm-config is a command-line utility designed to provide various configuration information required for compiling programs that utilize LLVM (Low-Level Virtual Machine). It serves as a crucial tool in build systems, such as Makefiles or configure scripts, enabling developers to obtain essential details about the LLVM installation on their system and incorporate them into their compilation process effectively.

Key features and functionalities of llvm-config include:

  • Configuration Information Retrieval: llvm-config retrieves a wide range of configuration information related to the LLVM installation on the user’s system. This includes details such as the version of LLVM, installation directory paths, compiler flags, linker flags, and other settings necessary for compiling LLVM-based programs.
  • Version Identification: llvm-config provides the version number of the LLVM installation, allowing developers to identify the specific version of LLVM they are using. This information is crucial for ensuring compatibility with specific LLVM features or APIs and managing dependencies in software projects.
  • Library Paths: llvm-config outputs the paths to the directories containing LLVM libraries, headers, and other resources required for building and linking LLVM-based applications. These paths can be utilized by build systems to locate and include LLVM components during the compilation process.
  • Compiler Flags: llvm-config supplies compiler flags that are necessary for compiling programs that depend on LLVM. These flags typically include optimization options, target architecture specifications, and other compiler settings that ensure compatibility with the LLVM toolchain.
  • Linker Flags: llvm-config provides linker flags that are required for linking LLVM-based programs against LLVM libraries and dependencies. These flags specify the libraries to be linked and any additional linker options needed for successful linkage.
  • Integration with Build Systems: llvm-config is designed to integrate seamlessly with various build systems, such as Makefiles, configure scripts, and CMake. Developers can invoke llvm-config from their build scripts to dynamically retrieve LLVM configuration information and incorporate it into the compilation and linking commands.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: llvm-config is cross-platform compatible and can be used on different operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. This ensures consistent behavior and usage across diverse development environments and platforms.
  • Documentation and Resources: The LLVM project provides comprehensive documentation and resources for llvm-config, including usage examples, command-line options, and troubleshooting guides. Developers can refer to the LLVM documentation website for detailed information on utilizing llvm-config effectively in their build systems and development workflows.

llvm-config Command Examples

1. Compile and link an LLVM based program:

# clang++ $(llvm-config --cxxflags --ldflags --libs) --output [path/to/output_executable] [path/to/source.cc]

2. Print the PREFIX of your LLVM installation:

# llvm-config --prefix

3. Print all targets supported by your LLVM build:

# llvm-config --targets-built


In summary, llvm-config is an indispensable tool for obtaining LLVM configuration information and incorporating it into the compilation process of LLVM-based programs. With its ability to retrieve version details, library paths, compiler flags, and linker flags, llvm-config streamlines the development and build process, facilitating the creation of robust and efficient software applications leveraging the LLVM infrastructure.

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