lldb Command Examples

LLDB (LLVM Low-Level Debugger) is a powerful debugger designed to provide developers with advanced debugging capabilities for software development projects. Developed as part of the LLVM (Low-Level Virtual Machine) compiler infrastructure, LLDB offers a comprehensive set of features and tools for debugging programs written in various programming languages.

Key features and functionalities of LLDB include:

  • Multi-Language Support: LLDB supports debugging of programs written in multiple programming languages, including C, C++, Objective-C, Swift, and assembly language. This versatility makes LLDB suitable for debugging a wide range of software projects, from system-level applications to high-level user interfaces.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: LLDB is designed to be cross-platform compatible, meaning it can be used to debug software running on different operating systems and hardware architectures. It supports major desktop and mobile platforms, including macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android, allowing developers to debug code across diverse environments.
  • Integration with LLVM Compiler Infrastructure: As part of the LLVM project, LLDB integrates seamlessly with other LLVM components, such as Clang (the LLVM C/C++ compiler) and lld (the LLVM linker). This tight integration enables LLDB to leverage LLVM’s advanced optimization and code generation capabilities, resulting in efficient and effective debugging workflows.
  • Rich Set of Debugging Features: LLDB offers a rich set of debugging features to assist developers in diagnosing and fixing software bugs. These features include breakpoints, watchpoints, step-by-step execution, expression evaluation, memory inspection, thread and process control, and more. Developers can use these tools to gain insights into the runtime behavior of their programs and pinpoint issues with precision.
  • Scripting Support: LLDB provides scripting support, allowing developers to extend its functionality and automate common debugging tasks using scripting languages such as Python. This scripting interface enables developers to create custom debugging workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and integrate LLDB into their development and testing pipelines.
  • Command-Line Interface (CLI): LLDB features a command-line interface (CLI) that provides direct access to its debugging functionality. Developers can interact with LLDB using textual commands, allowing for efficient navigation and control of the debugging session. The CLI also supports tab completion and command history, enhancing productivity for experienced users.
  • Extensibility and Customization: LLDB is designed to be extensible and customizable, allowing developers to tailor its behavior to suit their specific needs and preferences. Users can configure various aspects of LLDB’s behavior, such as display settings, breakpoint conditions, and event handling, via configuration files or command-line options.

lldb Command Examples

1. Debug an executable:

# lldb [executable]

2. Attach lldb to a running process with a given PID:

# lldb -p [pid]

3. Wait for a new process to launch with a given name, and attach to it:

# lldb -w -n [process_name]


Overall, LLDB is a versatile and powerful debugger that offers a comprehensive set of features and tools for diagnosing and resolving software bugs. With its multi-language support, cross-platform compatibility, rich set of debugging features, scripting support, and extensibility, LLDB is an essential tool for developers seeking to streamline their debugging workflows and ensure the quality and reliability of their software projects.

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