links Command Examples in Linux

links is a command-line web browser that allows users to browse the internet and view web pages directly from the terminal. It provides a text-based interface for browsing the web and supports basic web browsing functionality such as following links, displaying images, and filling out forms.

links is particularly useful for users who prefer a minimalist and lightweight approach to web browsing or who are working on a system with limited resources. It can also be useful for accessing the web in environments where a graphical user interface (GUI) is not available, such as in a terminal window or on a server.

links Command Examples

1. Visit a website:

# links

2. Apply restrictions for anonymous account:

# links -anonymous

3. Enable Cookies (`1` to enable):

# links -enable-cookies 0|1

4. Navigate forwards and backwards through the links on a page:

Up arrow key, Down arrow key

5. Go forwards and backwards one page:

Left arrow key, Right arrow key

6. Exit:

q then y
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