leave Command Examples

“leave” is a simple yet handy command-line utility that allows users to set reminders for when it’s time to leave. It is particularly useful for individuals who need to keep track of their schedule and ensure they leave for appointments, meetings, or other commitments on time.

Key features of the “leave” command include:

  • Reminder Setting: With “leave,” users can specify the time at which they need to leave by providing a time argument in the format [hh:mm]. For example, to set a reminder to leave at 4:30 PM, the user would enter: leave 16:30.
  • Flexible Time Format: “leave” accepts time inputs in the 24-hour format, providing flexibility and compatibility with various timekeeping conventions. This allows users to set reminders with precision, regardless of their preferred time format.
  • Customizable Message: Additionally, users can include an optional message with their leave reminder to provide context or additional information about the commitment for which they need to leave. For example: leave 16:30 “Meeting with client”
  • Reminder Display: Once a reminder is set, “leave” displays a countdown timer indicating the time remaining until the specified leave time. This visual feedback helps users stay aware of their upcoming commitments and plan their activities accordingly.
  • Reminder Removal: To remove reminders set with “leave,” users can use the kill command along with the process ID (PID) of the “leave” process. The command kill $(pidof leave) effectively terminates any active reminders set by “leave.”

leave Command Examples

1. Set a reminder at a given time:

# leave [time_to_leave]

2. Set a reminder to leave at noon:

# leave [1200]

3. Set a reminder in a specific amount of time:

# leave +[amount_of_time]

4. Set a reminder to leave in 4 hours and 4 minutes:

# leave +[0404]


Overall, “leave” provides a straightforward and effective solution for setting reminders to leave for appointments or commitments on time. Its simplicity, flexibility, and ease of use make it a valuable tool for individuals seeking to manage their schedules and ensure punctuality in their daily activities.

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