latexdiff Command Examples

Latexdiff is a utility tool used to compare and highlight the differences between two LaTeX files. LaTeX, a typesetting system commonly used for academic and technical documents, often involves collaboration among multiple authors or revisions over time. Latexdiff simplifies the process of identifying changes made between different versions of a LaTeX document, aiding in reviewing and understanding modifications.

Here’s how Latexdiff works:

  • Comparison of LaTeX Files: Latexdiff takes two LaTeX files as input: the original version (referred to as the “old” file) and the revised version (referred to as the “new” file). It then analyzes these files to identify the differences between them.
  • Markup of Differences: After analyzing the files, Latexdiff generates a new LaTeX document that highlights the differences between the old and new versions. It achieves this by adding markup, such as colored text or underlines, to indicate additions, deletions, or modifications made in the new version compared to the old one.
  • Customizable Output: Latexdiff provides various options and settings that allow users to customize the appearance and style of the markup applied to the differences. For example, users can specify different colors for highlighting additions and deletions, adjust the level of detail in the markup, or exclude certain types of changes from being highlighted.
  • Integration with Version Control Systems: Latexdiff can also be integrated with version control systems (VCS) like Git, allowing users to compare LaTeX files across different commits or branches directly from their version control environment. This integration enhances collaboration and facilitates tracking changes over time within a collaborative LaTeX project.
  • Additional Features: In addition to highlighting textual differences, Latexdiff can also handle changes in mathematical equations, tables, and other LaTeX constructs. It intelligently identifies and presents modifications to these elements, ensuring comprehensive coverage of changes in the LaTeX documents.

latexdiff Command Examples

1. Determine changes between different versions of a LaTeX file (the resulting LaTeX file can be compiled to show differences underlined):

# latexdiff [old.tex] [new.tex] > [diff.tex]

2. Determine changes between different versions of a LaTeX file by highlighting differences in boldface:

# latexdiff --type=BOLD [old.tex] [new.tex] > [diff.tex]

3. Determine changes between different versions of a LaTeX file, and display minor changes in equations with both added and deleted graphics:

# latexdiff --math-markup=fine --graphics-markup=both [old.tex] [new.tex] > [diff.tex]


Overall, Latexdiff is a valuable tool for LaTeX users, especially in collaborative writing environments or when reviewing revisions to LaTeX documents. By providing a clear and structured representation of differences between versions, Latexdiff simplifies the process of reviewing changes and facilitates efficient collaboration among authors working on LaTeX-based projects.

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