laravel-zero Command Examples

“Laravel Zero” is a specialized framework built on top of the popular Laravel PHP framework, specifically designed for developing command-line applications. While Laravel is renowned for its capabilities in building web applications, Laravel Zero extends its functionality to cater specifically to the needs of developers building CLI (Command Line Interface) applications.

The “laravel-zero” command-line installer simplifies the process of setting up a new Laravel Zero project, much like the “laravel new” command does for Laravel web applications. By using “laravel-zero” in conjunction with the Laravel Zero framework, developers can quickly initiate new CLI projects and leverage the features and conventions provided by the framework.

Key features and aspects of Laravel Zero include:

  • Command-Line Application Development: Laravel Zero focuses on providing tools and conventions optimized for building command-line applications. This includes features for defining commands, handling input and output, interacting with files and directories, and managing dependencies.
  • Simplified Setup and Installation: The “laravel-zero” installer simplifies the process of creating a new Laravel Zero project. Developers can use this command to set up a new project structure with minimal effort, allowing them to get started with development more quickly.
  • Integration with Laravel Ecosystem: While Laravel Zero is tailored for command-line application development, it still maintains compatibility with the wider Laravel ecosystem. This means developers can leverage existing Laravel packages, components, and conventions within their Laravel Zero projects, providing familiarity and flexibility.
  • Community and Documentation: Laravel Zero benefits from the active Laravel community and comprehensive documentation. Developers can access resources, tutorials, and community support to aid in their development efforts and troubleshoot any issues they encounter.

laravel-zero Command Examples

1. Create a new Laravel Zero application:

# laravel-zero new [name]

2. Update the installer to the latest version:

# laravel-zero self-update

3. List the available installer commands:

# laravel-zero list


Overall, Laravel Zero and its associated “laravel-zero” installer provide a streamlined and efficient way for developers to build command-line applications using the Laravel framework’s powerful features and conventions. Whether developing simple scripts or complex CLI tools, Laravel Zero offers a robust foundation for creating high-quality command-line applications with ease.

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