kwrite Command Examples in Linux

KWrite is a text editor that is part of the KDE Desktop project. It is designed to be lightweight and fast, yet still powerful and feature-rich. It supports many common text editing features such as syntax highlighting, line numbering, and undo/redo. Additionally, it supports multiple encodings, code folding and bookmarks. It also has a built-in file browser and the ability to open multiple files in tabs, making it easy to work with multiple files at the same time.

KWrite is written in C++ and it uses the KDE Frameworks and the Qt libraries, this means it is cross-platform and it can run on Windows, Linux and MacOS. It also has a wide range of plugins that can be added to enhance its functionality, such as spell checking, code completion, and a terminal emulator.

KWrite is a simple but powerful text editor that can be used for a wide range of tasks, from writing code and scripts to editing configuration files and taking notes. It’s a good choice for users who are already familiar with the KDE desktop environment and want a text editor that integrates well with it.

kwrite Command Examples

1. Open a text file:

# kwrite path/to/file

2. Open multiple text files:

# kwrite file1 file2 ...

3. Open a text file with a specific encoding:

# kwrite --encoding=UTF-8 path/to/file

4. Open a text file and navigate to a specific line and column:

# kwrite --line line_number --column column_number path/to/file
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