kscreen-doctor Command Examples in Linux

KScreen-doctor is a command-line tool that allows users to change and manipulate the screen setup on a computer running KDE, the K Desktop Environment. This tool can be used to change the resolution, refresh rate, and other settings of one or more monitors. It can also be used to configure the positions and orientations of the monitors, as well as to enable or disable them. Additionally, kscreen-doctor can be used to create and apply custom screen profiles, which can be useful for switching between different screen configurations quickly.

This tool can be useful for scripting or automating certain tasks related to monitor management, as well as for troubleshooting and debugging issues with KScreen. It can be also useful for users who have to connect and disconnect their laptop to multiple external displays frequently and want to automate the process.

kscreen-doctor Command Examples

1. Show display output information:

# kscreen-doctor --outputs

2. Set the rotation of a display output with an ID of 1 to the right:

# kscreen-doctor output.1.rotation.right

3. Set the scale of a display output with an ID of `HDMI-2` to 2 (200%):

# kscreen-doctor output.HDMI-2.scale.2
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