krita Command Examples in Linux

Krita is a free and open-source digital painting and sketching software developed for professional digital artists, concept artists, illustrators, matte and texture painters, and comics artists. It is a part of the KDE project and is available for Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Krita provides a wide range of tools for creating digital art, including brushes, pencils, markers, and airbrushes. It also provides advanced features like layers, masks, filters, and blending modes. The software also offers a variety of brush engines that simulate traditional art materials like watercolors, oil paints, and charcoals.

One of the key features of Krita is its support for high-dpi displays and tablets, which allows for very precise and accurate painting and drawing. It also has a built-in color management system, which allows for accurate color reproduction, and support for various file formats, including PSD, TIFF, and OpenRaster, as well as export to PNG, JPG, and BMP. Krita also has a robust animation feature, which allows you to create hand-drawn animations, and it provides a timeline for animating layers and frames. Additionally, it has a scripting feature that can be used to automate tasks and create new tools.

Krita is a powerful and versatile digital painting software that is suitable for artists of all skill levels. Whether you are a professional artist or a beginner, Krita offers a wide range of tools and features that will help you create digital art. It is an active open-source project, and the developers are always working to improve and add new features.

krita Command Examples

1. Start Krita:

# krita

2. Open specific files:

# krita path/to/image1 path/to/image2 ...

3. Start without a splash screen:

# krita --nosplash

4. Start with a specific workspace:

# krita --workspace Animation

5. Start in fullscreen mode:

# krita --fullscreen
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