kpackagetool5: command not found

“kpackagetool5” is a command-line tool that is used to manage Plasma packages in the KDE desktop environment. Plasma is the default desktop environment for KDE, and it is built on top of the Qt framework.

KPackageManager is a package manager which allows users to install, list, remove Plasma packages. KPackageManager provides a command-line interface to the package management functionality, which makes it easy to automate the installation and management of Plasma packages.

Some of the functionality provided by kpackagetool5 include:

  • Installing a package: This command will install a package and all its dependencies.
  • Removing a package: This command will remove a package and all its dependencies.
  • Listing installed packages: This command will list all the installed packages on the system.
  • Updating packages: This command will update all the packages on the system.
  • Searching for packages: This command will search for a package in the package repositories.

KPackageManager is a useful tool for developers and system administrators who use the KDE desktop environment and want to automate the installation and management of Plasma packages. It can also be used by users who want to easily install, remove and update packages on their KDE desktop.

If you encounter the below error while running the command kpackagetool5:

kpackagetool5: command not found

you may try installing the below package as per your choice of distribution:

Distribution Command
Debian apt-get install kpackagetool5
Ubuntu apt-get install kpackagetool5
Arch Linux pacman -S kpackagetool5
Kali Linux apt-get install kpackagetool5
Fedora dnf install kf5-kpackage
Raspbian apt-get install kpackagetool5

kpackagetool5 Command Examples

1. List all known package types that can be installed:

# kpackagetool5 --list-types

2. Install the package from a directory:

# kpackagetool5 --type package_type --install path/to/directory

3. Update installed package from a directory:

# kpackagetool5 --type package_type --upgrade path/to/directory

4. List installed plasmoids (–global for all users):

# kpackagetool5 --type Plasma/Applet --list --global

5. Remove a plasmoid by name:

# kpackagetool5 --type Plasma/Applet --remove "name"
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