kotlinc Command Examples

Kotlinc is the command-line interface (CLI) tool for the Kotlin programming language compiler. It serves as the primary means of compiling Kotlin source code into executable bytecode that can run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), JavaScript, or native platforms. Kotlinc is an essential tool for Kotlin developers as it enables them to translate their Kotlin code into executable programs or libraries.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of Kotlinc’s features and functionalities:

  • Compilation: Kotlinc is primarily used for compiling Kotlin source code files (.kt files) into bytecode files (.class files for the JVM) or JavaScript files (.js files) that can be executed by the respective platforms. It performs syntax and semantic analysis, type checking, and code optimization during the compilation process.
  • Multiplatform Support: Kotlinc supports compilation for multiple target platforms, including the JVM, JavaScript, and native code (through Kotlin/Native). This allows developers to write Kotlin code once and compile it for different platforms, enabling code reuse and interoperability across diverse environments.
  • Command-Line Interface: Kotlinc provides a command-line interface that allows developers to compile Kotlin code directly from the terminal or command prompt. Developers can specify input Kotlin files, output directories, compiler options, and target platforms as command-line arguments to customize the compilation process.
  • Integration with Build Tools: Kotlinc seamlessly integrates with popular build tools such as Gradle, Maven, and Ant, allowing developers to incorporate Kotlin compilation into their build pipelines. Build scripts or configuration files can specify dependencies, compiler options, and other parameters to automate the compilation process and manage project dependencies efficiently.
  • Diagnostic Messages: Kotlinc generates diagnostic messages and error reports during the compilation process to help developers identify and fix syntax errors, type mismatches, and other issues in their Kotlin code. These messages provide valuable feedback to developers, aiding in the debugging and refinement of their code.
  • Documentation and Resources: More information about Kotlinc, including usage instructions, command-line options, and compiler features, can be found in the official Kotlin documentation (https://kotlinlang.org/docs/command-line.html). The documentation provides comprehensive guidance on using Kotlinc effectively, compiling Kotlin code for different platforms, and troubleshooting common compilation issues.

kotlinc Command Examples

1. Start a REPL (interactive shell):

# kotlinc

2. Compile a Kotlin file:

# kotlinc [path/to/file.kt]

3. Compile several Kotlin files:

# kotlinc [path/to/file1.kt path/to/file2.kt ...]

4. Execute a specific Kotlin Script file:

# kotlinc -script [path/to/file.kts]

5. Compile a Kotlin file into a self contained jar file with the Kotlin runtime library included:

# kotlinc [path/to/file.kt] -include-runtime -d [path/to/file.jar]


Overall, Kotlinc is a powerful and versatile tool for compiling Kotlin code into executable programs or libraries. Whether you’re developing applications for the JVM, JavaScript, or native platforms, Kotlinc provides the necessary functionality to translate Kotlin code into executable artifacts efficiently and reliably.

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