keepassxc-cli Command Examples

KeePassXC is a free and open-source password manager that helps users store and manage their passwords securely. The “keepassxc-cli” refers to the command-line interface (CLI) provided by KeePassXC. CLI allows users to interact with the KeePassXC application through text commands entered into a terminal or command prompt, rather than using a graphical user interface (GUI).

Here are some key points about keepassxc-cli:

  • Functionality: The CLI provides various functionalities for managing passwords and databases. Users can perform tasks such as adding, modifying, deleting, and retrieving passwords, as well as managing database settings and entries.
  • Automation: CLI interfaces are often used for automation purposes. Users can write scripts or batch files to execute specific actions using keepassxc-cli commands, enabling automated password management workflows.
  • Integration: CLI allows for integration with other command-line tools and scripts, enhancing its versatility. Users can incorporate KeePassXC functionalities into their existing workflows or systems.
  • Security: KeePassXC is known for its strong security features, including encryption and secure password storage. The CLI interface inherits these security features, ensuring that password management tasks performed through the command line are also secure.
  • Documentation: The link provided ( likely leads to the manual page or documentation for keepassxc-cli. This documentation would contain detailed information about the available commands, their syntax, options, and usage examples, helping users effectively utilize the CLI interface.

keepassxc-cli Command Examples

1. Search entries:

# keepassxc-cli lookup [path/to/database_file] [name]

2. List the contents of a folder:

# keepassxc-cli ls [path/to/database_file] [/path/to/directory]

3. Add an entry with an auto-generated password:

# keepassxc-cli add --generate [path/to/database_file] [entry_name]

4. Delete an entry:

# keepassxc-cli rm [path/to/database_file] [entry_name]

5. Copy an entry’s password to the clipboard:

# keepassxc-cli clip [path/to/database_file] [entry_name]

6. Copy a TOTP code to the clipboard:

# keepassxc-cli clip --totp [path/to/database_file] [entry_name]

7. Generate a passphrase with 7 words:

# keepassxc-cli diceware --words [7]

8. Generate a password with 16 printable ASCII characters:

# keepassxc-cli generate --lower --upper --numeric --special --length [16]


Overall, keepassxc-cli extends the functionality of KeePassXC by providing a flexible and scriptable way to interact with password databases, catering to users who prefer command-line interfaces or need automation capabilities for their password management tasks.

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