kcat Command Examples

“Kcat” is a command-line tool designed for interacting with Apache Kafka, an open-source distributed streaming platform. It serves as a producer and consumer tool, allowing users to produce messages to Kafka topics and consume messages from Kafka topics directly from the command line. Here’s a detailed explanation of Kcat and its key features:

  • Producer Functionality: Kcat enables users to produce messages to Kafka topics. Users can specify the topic to which they want to send messages, along with the content of the messages. This allows for easy and convenient message production without the need for writing custom producer code.
  • Consumer Functionality: Kcat also allows users to consume messages from Kafka topics. Users can subscribe to one or more topics and receive messages as they are published to those topics. Kcat provides options for controlling the consumption behavior, such as specifying the number of messages to consume or the offset to start consuming from.
  • Message Formatting and Serialization: Kcat supports various message formats and serialization methods, including plain text, JSON, Avro, and others. Users can specify the format and serialization method for both producing and consuming messages, ensuring compatibility with the message format used in their Kafka cluster.
  • Partition Management: Kcat provides options for managing message partitions when producing or consuming messages. Users can specify the partition to which they want to produce messages or choose to consume messages from specific partitions. This allows for fine-grained control over message routing and distribution within Kafka topics.
  • Error Handling and Logging: Kcat includes features for handling errors and logging messages generated during message production and consumption. It provides detailed error messages and diagnostic information to help users troubleshoot issues and monitor the status of message operations.
  • Integration with Kafka Ecosystem: Kcat seamlessly integrates with the Apache Kafka ecosystem, leveraging Kafka’s messaging capabilities and protocols. It can be used alongside other Kafka tools and components, such as Kafka brokers, Zookeeper, and Kafka Connect, to build scalable and reliable streaming data pipelines.
  • Documentation and Community Support: Kcat comes with comprehensive documentation that covers installation, usage, command syntax, and advanced features. Additionally, it has an active community of users and contributors who provide support, share best practices, and contribute to the development of the tool.

kcat Command Examples

1. Consume messages starting with the newest offset:

# kcat -C -t [topic] -b [brokers]

2. Consume messages starting with the oldest offset and exit after the last message is received:

# kcat -C -t [topic] -b [brokers] -o beginning -e

3. Consume messages as a Kafka consumer group:

# kcat -G [group_id] [topic] -b [brokers]

4. Publish message by reading from stdin:

# echo [message] | kcat -P -t [topic] -b [brokers]

5. Publish messages by reading from a file:

# kcat -P -t [topic] -b [brokers] [path/to/file]

6. List metadata for all topics and brokers:

# kcat -L -b [brokers]

7. List metadata for a specific topic:

# kcat -L -t [topic] -b [brokers]

8. Get offset for a topic/partition for a specific point in time:

# kcat -Q -t [topic]:[partition]:[unix_timestamp] -b [brokers]


Overall, Kcat is a versatile and powerful tool for interacting with Apache Kafka from the command line. Whether producing messages, consuming messages, or managing Kafka topics, Kcat provides users with a convenient and efficient way to work with Kafka data streams.

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