k6 Command Examples

“k6” is an open-source load testing tool and Software as a Service (SaaS) platform designed to help engineering teams assess the performance and scalability of their applications and systems. It enables users to simulate thousands of virtual users concurrently accessing a web application, API, or system, allowing for comprehensive performance testing under various conditions. Here’s a detailed overview of its features and functionalities:

  • Load Testing: “k6” allows users to simulate high volumes of traffic to their applications or systems, enabling load testing to measure how the application performs under different levels of load. By generating a large number of virtual users, “k6” helps identify performance bottlenecks, resource limitations, and areas for optimization.
  • Scalability Testing: With “k6,” users can evaluate the scalability of their applications by gradually increasing the number of virtual users and observing how the system handles the additional load. This enables teams to determine the application’s capacity to scale and handle increased traffic without experiencing degradation in performance.
  • Realistic Scenarios: “k6” supports the creation of realistic testing scenarios by allowing users to define custom scripts using JavaScript. These scripts can simulate user behavior, interactions, and workflows within the application, including navigation, form submissions, API requests, and data processing. This enables accurate representation of real-world usage patterns during load testing.
  • Distributed Testing: “k6” offers support for distributed load testing, allowing users to distribute test execution across multiple machines or cloud instances. This enables the simulation of even higher levels of concurrent users and provides a more accurate representation of real-world scenarios where users access the application from different locations and devices.
  • Metrics and Insights: During load testing, “k6” collects and aggregates various performance metrics such as response times, throughput, error rates, and resource utilization. These metrics are presented in real-time dashboards and reports, providing users with valuable insights into the application’s performance characteristics and identifying areas for improvement.
  • Integration with CI/CD Pipelines: “k6” can be seamlessly integrated into continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, allowing for automated performance testing as part of the development and deployment workflow. This ensures that performance considerations are addressed early in the development lifecycle and helps prevent performance regressions in production releases.
  • Scalability and Reliability: “k6” is designed for scalability and reliability, capable of handling large-scale load tests across distributed environments without compromising performance or accuracy. It leverages modern architectures and technologies to ensure robustness and stability during testing activities.
  • Open Source and SaaS Options: “k6” offers both open-source and SaaS options for load testing, providing flexibility for users to choose the deployment model that best fits their needs and preferences. The open-source version allows users to run load tests locally or on their own infrastructure, while the SaaS platform offers additional features, scalability, and convenience for enterprise-grade load testing requirements.
  • Documentation and Support: “k6” is accompanied by comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and resources to help users get started with load testing and maximize the benefits of the tool. Additionally, “k6” provides support through community forums, documentation, and enterprise-level support for SaaS users.

k6 Command Examples

1. Run load test locally:

# k6 run [script.js]

2. Run load test locally with a given number of virtual users and duration:

# k6 run --vus [10] --duration [30s] [script.js]

3. Run load test locally with a given environment variable:

# k6 run -e [HOSTNAME=example.com] [script.js]

4. Run load test locally using InfluxDB to store results:

# k6 run --out influxdb=[http://localhost:8086/k6db] [script.js]

5. Run load test locally and discard response bodies (significantly faster):

# k6 run --discard-response-bodies [script.js]

6. Run load test locally using the base JavaScript compatibility mode (significantly faster):

# k6 run --compatibility-mode=base [script.js]

7. Log in to cloud service using secret token:

# k6 login cloud --token [secret]

8. Run load test on cloud infrastructure:

# k6 cloud [script.js]


In summary, “k6” is a powerful and versatile load testing tool and SaaS platform, enabling engineering teams to assess the performance, scalability, and reliability of their applications and systems under various conditions. Its features for load testing, scalability testing, realistic scenarios, distributed testing, metrics and insights, integration with CI/CD pipelines, scalability and reliability, open-source and SaaS options, and comprehensive documentation make it a valuable asset for organizations seeking to optimize their application performance and user experience.

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