john Command Examples

“John the Ripper,” often referred to simply as “John,” is a powerful and widely used password-cracking tool. It is designed to help security professionals, system administrators, and penetration testers assess the strength of passwords by attempting to crack them through various methods. Here’s a more detailed explanation of its features and functionalities:

  • Password Cracking: John specializes in cracking passwords by attempting to guess or deduce the correct password based on various techniques. It employs multiple strategies, including dictionary attacks, brute-force attacks, and rule-based attacks, to systematically try different combinations and patterns until the correct password is found.
  • Dictionary Attacks: One of the primary methods used by John is dictionary attacks, where it systematically tries a list of common passwords, words, phrases, and patterns stored in a dictionary file. This approach is effective against weak and commonly used passwords but may not be successful against complex or randomly generated passwords.
  • Brute-Force Attacks: In addition to dictionary attacks, John can perform brute-force attacks, where it systematically tries every possible combination of characters until the correct password is found. This approach is more time-consuming and resource-intensive but can eventually crack even complex passwords given enough time and computational power.
  • Rule-Based Attacks: John supports rule-based attacks, where users can define custom rules or transformations to apply to passwords during the cracking process. These rules can include modifications such as character substitutions, case changes, appending or prepending characters, and more, allowing for more targeted and efficient password cracking.
  • Multi-Algorithm Support: John supports various encryption algorithms and hash formats commonly used to store passwords, including DES, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, bcrypt, and more. This versatility allows it to crack passwords stored using different hashing algorithms and formats commonly found in operating systems, applications, and databases.
  • Performance Optimization: John is highly optimized for performance, leveraging parallel processing, multithreading, and distributed computing to accelerate the password-cracking process. It can utilize multiple CPU cores and distributed computing resources to maximize cracking speed and efficiency, particularly when dealing with large password datasets or complex encryption algorithms.
  • Integration with Other Tools: John integrates seamlessly with other security tools and frameworks commonly used in penetration testing and security assessments. It can import password hashes from various sources, collaborate with password policy enforcement tools, and exchange data with other security utilities to enhance its capabilities and effectiveness.
  • Community and Support: John benefits from an active community of security professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts who contribute to its development, provide support, and share resources. The John the Ripper website offers documentation, tutorials, forums, and mailing lists where users can find help, share knowledge, and collaborate on improving the tool.

john Command Examples

1. Crack password hashes:

# john [path/to/hashes.txt]

2. Show passwords cracked:

# john --show [path/to/hashes.txt]

3. Display users’ cracked passwords by user identifier from multiple files:

# john --show --users=[user_ids] [path/to/hashes*] [path/to/other/hashes*]

4. Crack password hashes, using a custom wordlist:

# john --wordlist=[path/to/wordlist.txt] [path/to/hashes.txt]

5. List available hash formats:

# john --list=formats

6. Crack password hashes, using a specific hash format:

# john --format=[md5crypt] [path/to/hashes.txt]

7. Crack password hashes, enabling word mangling rules:

# john --rules [path/to/hashes.txt]

8. Restore an interrupted cracking session from a state file, e.g. mycrack.rec:

# john --restore=[path/to/mycrack.rec]


In summary, John the Ripper is a versatile and powerful password-cracking tool designed to help security professionals assess and strengthen password security. Its support for multiple cracking methods, encryption algorithms, rule-based attacks, performance optimization, and integration with other tools make it a valuable asset for security assessments, password auditing, and penetration testing activities. However, it’s essential to use John responsibly and ethically, respecting the privacy and security of individuals and organizations.

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