jenv Command Examples

“jenv” is a command-line tool designed to simplify the management of the “JAVA_HOME” environment variable. This variable is crucial for specifying the location of the Java Development Kit (JDK) installation on a system. By properly setting the “JAVA_HOME” variable, users can ensure that Java-based applications and tools can locate the correct JDK installation.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of “jenv” and its functionalities:

  • Managing JAVA_HOME: The primary purpose of “jenv” is to manage the “JAVA_HOME” environment variable. It provides commands to set, update, and unset the “JAVA_HOME” variable, making it easy to switch between different JDK installations on a system.
  • Multiple JDK Installations: “jenv” supports managing multiple JDK installations on a single system. This is particularly useful for developers who work with multiple Java versions or need to test their applications across different JDK versions.
  • Version Management: “jenv” allows users to specify the Java version they want to use for a particular project or environment. Users can switch between installed JDK versions seamlessly using “jenv” commands, ensuring compatibility with specific Java requirements.
  • Integration with Shell: “jenv” integrates with the shell environment, providing commands that can be used in shell scripts or interactive shell sessions. This allows users to set the “JAVA_HOME” variable temporarily for the duration of a shell session or permanently for the entire system.
  • Plugin System: “jenv” features a plugin system that extends its functionality with additional features and capabilities. These plugins may include integrations with build tools, IDEs, or other development environments, providing seamless integration with existing workflows.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: “jenv” is designed to work on various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. This cross-platform compatibility ensures that users can manage their JDK installations consistently across different environments.
  • User-Friendly Interface: “jenv” provides a user-friendly interface with clear and concise commands for managing the “JAVA_HOME” variable. This makes it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise, from beginners to experienced developers.
  • Open Source: “jenv” is an open-source project, meaning users can access the source code, contribute enhancements or fixes, and collaborate with the community. This open development model fosters transparency, innovation, and community-driven improvement of the tool.

jenv Command Examples

1. Add a Java version to jEnv:

# jenv add [path/to/jdk_home]

2. Display the current JDK version used:

# jenv version

3. Display all managed JDKs:

# jenv versions

4. Set the global JDK version:

# jenv global [java_version]

5. Set the JDK version for the current shell session:

# jenv shell [java_version]

6. Enable a jEnv plugin:

# jenv enable-plugin [plugin_name]


Overall, “jenv” is a valuable tool for Java developers and system administrators, providing a convenient way to manage JDK installations and ensure consistent configuration of the “JAVA_HOME” environment variable across different environments.

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