jdupes Command Examples

“jdupes” is a command-line utility designed to identify and manage duplicate files on a computer system. It serves as an enhanced version of “fdupes,” another popular duplicate file finder. “jdupes” offers powerful features and improvements over its predecessor, making it a versatile tool for organizing and optimizing storage space.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of its functionalities:

  • Duplicate File Detection: The primary purpose of “jdupes” is to identify duplicate files present on a storage device or within a specific directory. It scans through files, comparing their contents byte by byte, and identifies files that have identical content. This helps users locate duplicate files, which may be consuming unnecessary disk space.
  • Enhanced Features: “jdupes” includes several enhancements and additional features compared to “fdupes.” These enhancements may include improved performance, better handling of special file types, support for additional command-line options, and more robust error handling.
  • Flexible Usage: “jdupes” provides flexibility in terms of usage. Users can specify directories to scan for duplicates, or they can provide specific file paths or patterns to limit the scope of the search. This allows users to tailor the duplicate search process according to their specific requirements.
  • Interactive Mode: “jdupes” offers an interactive mode, where users can selectively choose which duplicate files to keep or delete. This mode provides a user-friendly interface for managing duplicate files, allowing users to make informed decisions about which files to retain and which ones to remove.
  • Customizable Output: The output of “jdupes” can be customized to meet the user’s preferences. Users can choose from various output formats, including plain text, JSON, or XML, depending on their needs. Additionally, users can specify options to control the verbosity of the output and include additional information about the duplicate files.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: “jdupes” is designed to be compatible with multiple operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. This cross-platform compatibility ensures that users can use “jdupes” to find and manage duplicate files regardless of the operating system they are using.
  • Open Source: “jdupes” is an open-source project hosted on GitHub, allowing users to access the source code, contribute enhancements or fixes, and collaborate with the community. This open development model fosters transparency, innovation, and community-driven improvement of the tool.

jdupes Command Examples

1. Search a single directory:

# jdupes [path/to/directory]

2. Search multiple directories:

# jdupes [directory1] [directory2]

3. Search all directories recursively:

# jdupes --recurse [path/to/directory]

4. Search directory recursively and let user choose files to preserve:

# jdupes --delete --recurse [path/to/directory]

5. Search multiple directories and follow subdirectores under directory2, not directory1:

# jdupes [directory1] --recurse: [directory2]

6. Search multiple directories and keep the directory order in result:

# jdupes -O [directory1] [directory2] [directory3]


Overall, “jdupes” is a powerful and versatile duplicate file finder, offering enhanced features and flexibility compared to its predecessor. It helps users optimize storage space, organize their files more efficiently, and maintain a clutter-free file system. Whether used for personal or professional purposes, “jdupes” is a valuable tool for anyone looking to manage duplicate files effectively.

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